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3 September - New acquisitions
The list of new books added to our collection in August 2022 is available here.

30 August - Journal TOC update
The updated Journal Table of Contents bulletin is available here.

18 March - Library open for external visitors
After a long break caused by pandemic regulations the Natolin Library welcomes external visitors under the rules defined here. Please note that keeping the basic safety principles, such as: covering your nose and mouth with a mask in common spaces of buildings, hands disinfection and keeping social distance is obligatory.


Beginning Friday, March 13, the library changes its mode of operations until further notice. In cases related to loans/returns of books and access to electronic resources students of the College as well as external users are asked to contact us at:


29 October - Opening hours : week 29.10.2018 - 03.11.2018

Opening hours changes : week 29.10.2018 - 03.11.2018


03 November - New acquisitions - October 2017

The list of new books added to our collection in October 2016 is available here.

24 October - Meet the Authors - inauguration

The Natolin Library is pleased to announce the inauguration of its series Meet the Authors, organized in cooperation with the European Civilization Chair and the European Neighbourhood Policy Chair. The series is intended to enable students and other participants to meet important authors in various disciplines on a more informal basis than is possible with a special lecture, and give an opportunity for discussion. The first meeting took place on Tuesday 23rd of October. The speaker was Professor Andrzej NOWAK, of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków (his alma mater) and the History Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. Professor Nowak is also a member of the visiting Faculty of the College of Europe at Natolin, and has lectured at many leading universities including Harvard, Columbia and Cambridge. A specialist on nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Poland and Russia, he is remarkable for his multi-volume history of Poland from its origins until the present. The three volumes so far published cover the period to 1468. The meeting was chaired by Professor Richard BUTTERWICK-PAWLIKOWSKI. Some of Professor NOWAK's books are currently exhibited in the Library. A selective bibliography based on the Natolin Library collections can be viewed here.

27 April - 1st week of May opening hours

See changes to opening hours of the Library during the first week of May (1-3 May)

11 April - Easter holidays opening hours

See changes to opening hours of the Library during Easter holidays (14-17 April)

14 March - Vacancy notice/ogłoszenie o pracy

Biblioteka Kolegium Europejskiego w Natolinie poszukuje kandydata na stanowisko młodszego dokumentalisty. Szczegółowe informacje są dostępne tutaj. Termin składania zgłoszeń - do 23 marca 2017.


20 December - Christmas holidays

From 23 December 2016 till 8 January 2017 the Library is closed.

05 November - New acquisitions - October 2016

The list of new books added to our collection in October 2016 is available here.

22 March - Easter break

Library opening hours during Easter break - here

04 March - PEWG report on EDCs

Final Report by the Pan-European Working Group (PEWG) on European Documentation Centres entitled ‘Looking to the future’ was released yesterday. The aim of this report is to present the results of the collaborative work of the 2015 EDC PEWG. The report summarises the results of the online survey and the findings and the conclusions of the PEWG meeting in Madrid in 2015. The report also proposes a mission statement and presents a reflection on the outlook for the EDC network.

02 March - New acquisitions - February 2016

The list of new books added to our collection in February 2016 is available here.

24 February - Language collection

Yesterday the Language Collection books and materials were moved to shelves located in the reading room on the first floor of the library building.

07 February - New acquisitions - January 2016

The list of new books added to our collection in January 2016 is available here.

07 January - New acquisitions - December 2015

The list of new books added to our collection in December 2015 is available here.


17 December - Christmas break

From 19 December till 3 January 2016 the Library is closed. Library opening hours on 17 and 18 December - detailed information is available here.

01 December - New acquisitions - November 2015

The list of new books added to our collection in November 2015 is available here.

04 November - New acquisitions - October 2015

The list of new books added to our collection in October 2015 is available here.

02 October - New acquisitions - September 2015

The list of new books added to our collection in September 2015 is available here.

30 September - Baltic States - exhibition of books and bibliography

As a companion for the upcoming study trip the Library has compiled a selective bibliography of the Baltic States based on the Library’s collections. A selection of the most relevant books is also displayed and available for loan at the Library Reference Room. The bibliography in print is available at the library and also as a PDF file here.


25 September - Preparation of research papers - useful library resources

On 24 September Mr. Wiktor T. Poźniak the Head of the Library has delivered a presentation on useful resources for preparation of research papers for the course ‘EU External Relations’. The presentation is available here.


21 September - Vacancy notice/ogłoszenie o pracy

Informacja o planowanej rekrutacji w Bibliotece Kolegium Europejskiego w Natolinie jest dostępna tutaj.


18 September - Library Information Seminar with Mr. Ian Thomson

This weekend (19 & 20 September) Mr. Ian Thomson, Director of the European Documentation Centre at Cardiff University and the Executive Editor of ‘European Sources Online’ will deliver two lectures: The role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union and Europe on the Internet : a selection of useful websites, databases and documents for information on the European Union and the wider Europe. A detailed information can be found here.

Ian Thomson explores the role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union, a subject of much political interest over the past fifteen years as the EU sees the need to ‘connect with citizens’ more effectively. New technologies also offer new opportunities and challenges. In addition, what is the impact of the current wider challenges facing the EU having on its information and communication activities. In addition, Ian Thomson will introduce you to the major sources of European information on the web. The presentations used during both lectures are available here: presentation 1; presentation 2.


11 September - How to use your Library Account

An updated version of a short guide on how to use your library account for renewing and requesting books is available here.


09 September - Fryderyk Chopin, patron of the promotion 2015/2016 - exhibition of books

imgThe exhibition of books about Fryderyk Chopin, patron of the promotion 2015/2016 is presented in the Reference Room in the Library. The list of books about Chopin that you can borrow from the Library is available here.




01 September - New acquisitions - August 2015

The list of new books added to our collection in August 2015 is available here.


02 August - New acquisitions - July 2015

The list of new books added to our collection in July 2015 is available here.


01 July - New acquisitions - June 2015

The list of new books added to our collection in June 2015 is available here.


22 June - Library opening hours during holidays

During summer holidays (from 22 June on) Library opening hours are: Monday-Friday : 08.00-16.00


12 June - Creating a Resilient Energy Union: On the Way to a sustainable Energy Market - exhibition of books

Following the students' initiative on the occassion of Sustainable Energy Week (15-19 June) the Library has organized an exhibition of books on the topic. Library Staff also compiled a selective bibliography based on holdings of the Natolin Library.



29 April - Opening hours on 4-6 June - changes


01 June - New acquisitions - May 2015

The list of new books added to our collection in May 2015 is available here.


29 April - Opening hours on 1-3 May - changes


23 April - Exhibition of books on the Armenian Genocide

exhibitionApril 24 is worldwide commemorated as Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. This year, on April 24 we commemorate 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. On that occasion several events will be organized on the Natolin Campus by Armenian students of the College. In the Library an exhibition of books on the Armenian Genocide will be presented from 23th of April to 31st of April, 2015. Library Staff also compiled a selective bibliography based on holdings of the Natolin Library.


1 April - New acquisitions - March 2015

The list of new books added to our collection in March 2015 is available here.


31 March - Library opening hours during Easter break

Opening hours


04 March - Exhibition of books by Edward Lucas

On Thursday 5 March 2015 at 19:00 in the Auditorium Copernicus, Retinger Building at the Natolin campus of the College of Europe Mr. Edward Lucas will deliver a lecture entitled 'Russia and the Baltic'. The event is organized by The Chair of European Civilization at the College of Europe. On this occasion the Library has compiled a bibliography as well as an exhibition of books by Edward Lucas available in the Library’s collection. The exhibition is presented in the Library’s Reference Room.


02 March - New acquisitions - February 2015

The list of new books added to our collection in February 2015 is available here. Starting from February 2015 the list will also contain electronic publications which bibliographic records have been added to the catalogue.


05 January - New acquisitions - December 2014

The list of new books added to our collection in December 2014 is available here.


18 December - Opening hours during Christmas break

The Library will be closed from 20 December 2014 till 4 January 2015

08 December - New acquisitions - November 2014

The list of new books added to our collection in November 2014 is available here.

25 November - The Romanian Revolution of 1989

The exhibition of books from the Natolin Library collection covering the Romanian Revolution of 1989 is presented in the Library’s Reference Room. The exhibition accompanies a debate entitled “The 1989 Romanian Revolution in Central European Context” which will be organized on 26 November 2014 by The Chair of European Civilization at the Natolin Campus of the College of Europe (see invitation). Additionally the Library has compiled a bibliography on the Romanian Revolution of 1989 and contemporary Romanian history. The bibliography in PDF format can be downloaded here.

05 November - Trial access to EBSCO databases

The Library offers a free trial access to two EBSCO databases: Central & Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS) and Historical Abstracts with Full Text. Trial runs: 17 October – 27 December.  It is available on campus only. You are welcome to provide feedback on these databases. Please send your comments to: Katarzyna Dudek.

1. Central & Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS) - a multidisciplinary, multilingual database providing access to full-text publications on the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The collection contains about 600 full text publications (including 182 monographs) covering many academic areas such as: business & economics, medical sciences, political science, law, library & information sciences, literature, linguistics, history and sociology relating to this geographic region.
Sample journal titles: Hungarian Quarterly, Lex Russica, Journal of East European & Asian Studies, Transylvanian Review, Central Europe, Social Change Review, Polish Sociological review.
Sample monographs: Russia-Europe Energy Relations: Implications for U.S. Policy (Center for Strategic & International Studies, 2010), Sovietization of Eastern Europe: New Perspectives on the Postwar Period (New Academia Publishing, 2008), series: On the Boundary of Two Worlds: Identity, Freedom & Moral Imagination in the Baltics (Editions Rodopi BV).
Coverage Dates: 2005 - present
Subjects: Central and Eastern Europe countries
List of titles available here.

2. Historical Abstracts with Full Text covers the world's scholarly literature in history. Included are article abstracts and citations of books and dissertations on the history of the world, except the United States and Canada, from 1450 to the present. Articles are abstracted from over 2,600 journals published in over 40 languages. These are the world's major historical journals, including many covering regional history, as well as the most important titles in related social sciences and humanities. In addition, full-text coverage is provided for more than 400 journals and over 130 books.
Sample journal titles: Clio (Fort Wayne, IN), Chinese Historical Review (Maney Publishing), Journal of Modern History (University of Chicago Press), Lagos Historical Review .
Sample monographs: Columbus & the New World (Peter Lang, 2001), Cuba in Revolution: A History Since the Fifties (Reaktion Books Ltd., 2008), Encyclopedia of Modern Dictators (Peter Lang, 2006), La Historia Económica en España y Francia (Digitalia, Inc., 2006), Politics of the Veil (Princeton University Press, 2007), Romania: Bordeland of Europe (Reaktion Books Ltd., 2007).
Coverage Dates: Selective coverage back to 1955
Subjects: History (General), Ancient History, British and European History.
List of titles available here.

04 November - New acquisitions - October 2014

The list of new books added to our collection in October 2014 is available here.

01 October - New acquisitions - September 2014

The list of new books added to our collection in September 2014 is available here.

23 September - Library Information Seminar

Last weekend Mr. Ian Thomson, Director of the European Documentation Centre at Cardiff University delivered two lectures: 'The role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union' and 'Europe on the Internet : a selection of useful websites for information on the European Union and the wider Europe'. The presentations are available here: lecture 1, lecture 2

02 September - New acquisitions - August 2014

The list of new books added to our collection in August 2014 is available here.

01 August - New acquisitions - July 2014

The list of new books added to our collection in July 2014 is available here.

01 July - New acquisitions - June 2014

The list of new books added to our collection in June 2014 is available here.

11 June - Summer holidays closure

During summer holidays the Library will be closed due to importatnt construction works performed in the library building. For details see here.

02 June - New acquisitions - May 2014

The list of new books added to our collection in May 2014 is available here.

01 April - New acquisitions - March 2014

The list of new books added to our collection in March 2014 is available here.

17 March - Free trial access to Berghahn journals via Ingenta

60-day online trial starting from March 14, 2014 for all Berghahn Journals is available through Ingentaconnect. It provides access to 38 titles of peer-reviewed academic journals including e.g. International Journal of Social Quality; Israel Studies Review; Regions & Cohesion. French Politics; Culture & Society; German Politics & Society; Italian Politics; Nature and Culture; Religion and Society: Advances in Research and many others.

03 March - Free Access to ALL Palgrave Macmillan journals

From March 1-31, 2014 Palgrave Macmillan is offering FREE online access to all its journals. This includes all current and archival content for our portfolio of titles spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences and Business. Palgrave Macmillan journals can be browsed here.

03 March - New acquisitions - February 2014

The list of new books added to our collection in February 2014 is available here.

03 February - New acquisitions - January 2014

The list of new books added to our collection in January 2014 is available here.

07 January - New acquisitions - December 2013

The list of new books added to our collection in December 2013 is available here.


19 December - Christmas break

During the Christmas break from 21 December 2013 till 7 January 2014 the Library will be closed

04 December - New acquisitions - November

The list of new books added to our collection in November is available here.

30 October - JSTOR free trial

A free trial till end of November gives users of the Library full‐text access to all of JSTOR's journal Archive Collections. Please note that it does not include e-books on JSTOR's platform. To find out more about JSTOR' collections visit

23 September - Library Information Seminar

On Saturday 21 September Mr. Ian Thomson, Director of the European Documentation Centre at Cardiff University delivered two lectures: 'The role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union' and 'Europe on the Internet : a selection of useful websites for information on the European Union and the wider Europe'. The presentations are available here: lecture 1, lecture 2.

10 September - Vacancy notice / poszukujemy pracownika

Biblioteka Kolegium Europejskiego poszukuje kandydatów na stanowisko asystenta bibliotecznego w pełnym wymiarze etatu. Szeczegóły tutaj

03 June - New acquisitions - May

The list of new books added to our collection in May is available here.

04 May - New acquisitions - April

The list of new books added to our collection in April is available here.

19 April - Warsaw Ghetto (1939-1943) - bibliography

On the ocassion of the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising we have compiled a list of books on Warsaw ghetto (1939-1943) available in our collection of books.

28 January - Europe on the Internet - latest update

Presentation: Europe on the Internet A selection of useful websites for information on the European Union and the wider Europe by Ian Thomson, director of the EDC in Cardiff is available here in its latest update of January 2013


05 November - OGŁOSZENIE - digitalizacja prac dyplomowych

W Bibliotece Kolegium planowane jest poddanie digitalizacji prac dyplomowych złożonych przez absolwentów uczelni. Digitalizacja zostanie zlecona kontrahentowi wyłonionemu w konkursie ofert spośród podmiotów zajmujących się tego typu działalnością. Istotne czynniki przy wyborze wykonawcy: doświadczenie w realizacji prac digitalizacyjnych, czas realizacji zamówienia, koszt wykonania znormalizowanego skanu jednej strony dokumentu w odpowiedniej rozdzielczości. Szczegóły w załączniku.

17 October - OGŁOSZENIE o pracy / VACANCY Notice

Poszukujemy osoby na stanowisko młodszego dokumentalisty w wymiarze pół etatu. Szczegóły tutaj

21 September - Library Information Seminar 2012

Mr. Ian Thomson, Director of the European Documentation Centre at Cardiff University will deliver two lectures: 'The role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union' and 'Europe on the Internet A selection of useful websites for information on the European Union and the wider Europe'.
Lecture 1, Lecture 2

10 September - Organisation of shelving - changes

For the details of changes in organisation of shelving of books, journals and EDC material please see the floorplans : ground floor and first floor

17 July - OGŁOSZENIE o pracy

Poszukujemy dwóch osób do prac porządkowych w księgozbiorze w okresie wakacyjnym. Szczegóły tutaj.

9 March - Storage space for new books

We have managed to arrange some additional space for new books. From now on books with call numbers greater than 31550 will be stored on shelves in the European Documentation Centre room on the first floor.

28 February - Due Date Reminder - a new circulation tool

A new service called "Due Date Reminder" was launched today. It is an e-mail generated by the Library system and sent to the user’s mailbox. It contains information on upcoming due dates for the books and other material that are assigned to user’s Library account.

We hope that this will help users to better track/manage their loans and renew them before they get overdue. We encourage users to use their Library Accounts at to renew their loans. A short guide on how to do that is available here.

02 January - Opening hours change

From the beginning of 2012 the Library will open earlier and close later. See current opening hours here.


08 December - 'Europolitics' stops 'New Neighbours' bulletin

The 'Europolitics' team has just announced that it intended to stop the publication of the monthly periodical 'New Neighbours' by the end of December this year. December issue will be the last one and the title will not be continued. All the information compiled in the periodical is provided first-hand in 'Europolitics' daily. Both titles are available in our Intranet for internal access only: Europolitics, New Neighbours.

17 November - Professor Norman Davies' lecture

On Monday, 21 November, 2011 at 5.00 pm Professor Norman Davies will deliver a lecture entitled: "Vanished Kingdoms". The lecture will be held in the Retinger Building, Auditorium 2 at the College of Europe, Natolin campus.
The lecture is organised by the European Parliament-Bronisław Geremek European Civilisation Chair. The draft list of books by Prof. Davies available in the Natolin Library is available here.

26 September - Library Information Seminar

The European Information Seminar addressed to the students of Marie Curie-Skłodowska promotion took place on 24 September. Mr. Ian Thomson Director of the European Documentation Centre at Cardiff University has delivered two lectures: 'The role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union' and 'Europe on the Internet A selection of useful websites for information on the European Union and the wider Europe'. The material to accompany both lectures is available here: lecture one ; lecture two.

30 June - Summer vacation opening hours

In July and August our opening hours are:

Monday – Friday - Open 9:00 – 17:00
Saturday and Sunday - Closed

Normal opening hours resume on Monday 5th September 2011

5 April - EuroVoc 4.3

Today the Library implemented version 4.3 of the EuroVoc thesaurus to our catalogue. With the updated version of EuroVoc the Library users will benefit from more comprehensive and more relevant tool enabling more effective search in the catalogue.

EuroVoc is a multilingual and multi-disciplinary thesaurus covering the activities of the EU. It is managed by the Publication Office. It serves as a coherent indexing tool for the management of wide range of information resources. It was originally built up specifically for processing the documents of the EU institutions. Today its users include the European Parliament, the Publications Office, national and regional parliaments in Europe and many other libraries and documentation centres in the world. The Natolin Library has been using the EuroVoc for subject indexing of its collections since 1993.

The new features of version 4.3 include:

  • updated English and French vocabulary (including new terms e.g. Treaty of Lisbon)
  • updated equivalence, hierarchical and associative relationships
  • Polish language version and subject indexes in Polish.

For more information on the EuroVoc thesaurus please visit

If you have any questions or should you encounter any problems concerning the thesaurus please contact the system administrator Paweł Mielczarek.

10 March - “World Politics Review” trial access

A new database provided by EBSCO will be available for testing at EBSCOHOst platform from 10 March till 10 May 2011.

“World Politics Review” is a daily, online publication and resource for foreign policy professionals and readers with a serious interest in international politics and foreign affairs. Its original articles are written by a network of more than 400 contributors from around the world, including subject-matter experts from journalism, research organizations, academia, government, and elsewhere. World Politics Review covers topics of key relevance to foreign policy, international politics, and foreign affairs. To test the database simply go to EBSCOHost website.


17 December - Christmas holidays

From 20 December 2010 till 2 January 2011 the Library will be closed due to Christmas holidays. We re-open on Monday 3 January 2011

15 November - Aleksandra Węgłowska joins the Library team

Today Aleksandra Węgłowska has joined the Library team as Assistant Librarian. Aleksandra is a recent graduate of the Department of Librarianship and Information Science at Warsaw University. In Natolin Library she will support the Periodicals Department as well as she will perform regular shifts at the Loan Desk.

08 November - Journal TOC - new library service

Today the Library has launched a new library service – Journal Table of Contents (Journal TOC). It contains the table of contents for the majority of scholarly journals subscribed by the Natolin Library (almost 140 titles). The service is available on the separate page at the Library website.

Journal TOC is available in a form of fully searchable PDF files. They are divided according to subject divisions of the Periodicals Collection. ‘The latest update only’ files contain TOC of journals received and registered by the Library in a past month. ‘The complete TOC’ files contain a combined table of contents for the recent year onwards including latest update.

Please feel free to send any comments and questions concerning new service to Library Director Wiktor T. Poźniak, or Serials Librarian Juliusz Rzewuski

21 October - Changes in Library working hours

From 25 till 28 October (Monday-Thursday) the Library will be open from 9:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.
On the 1st of November and 11 of November the Library will be closed.

20 October - Scholarships flyers

Flyers containing information about scholarships offered to graduates wishing to study at the College of Europe during the academic year 2011-2012 are available below:

The EU (European Commission/DG Education and Culture) scholarships to university graduates from the European Neighbourhood Policy countries wanting to study at the College of Europe

Professor Bronisław Geremek scholarships to history graduates to study at its Natolin (Warsaw) campus

The College of Europe and the InBev-Baillet Latour Foundation offer scholarships to university graduates from China

The Ministry for EU Affairs in Turkey, in conjunction with the private sector and NGOs, scholarships to university graduates from Turkey

13 September - Library Information Seminar

The Library Information Seminar. Ian Thomson's lectures: lecture 1, lecture 2

01 September - Ogłoszenie - Biblioteka poszukuje pracownika

Biblioteka Kolegium Europejskiego Kampus w Natolinie (Warszawa) poszukuje pracownika na stanowisko asystenta bibliotecznego/młodszego dokumentalisty na okres 1 roku. Szczegółowe informacje dotyczące profilu kandaydata są dostępne tutaj. Zgłoszenia na adres należy wysyłać do 20 września 2010.

19 April - Katyń 1940 - selective bibliography

On the occassion of Katyn massacre 70th anniversary celebration a selective bibliography of publications based on the Library's resources has been compiled. The list contains short descriptions of books available at the Natolin Library, their tables of content and call numbers allowing to easily track them on the Library shelves. The bibliography is available at the Publications page.


14 December - Library closed - Christmas break

The Library will be closed on Thursday 17 December from 5.30 p.m. and on Friday 18 December from 3.30 p.m.
Due to Christmas holidays the Library will be closed from 19 December 2009 till 3 January 2010. On the 4th of January we are back to regular opening hours.

04 November - Library closed on 11 November

The Library will be closed on Wednesday, 11 November 2009. On the 12th of November we are back to regular opening hours.

30 October - Library closed on 1 November

The Library will be closed on Monday, 2 November 2009. On Tuesday the 3rd of November we are back to regular opening hours.

30 October - New books

A new functionality was added to the Library website. At the New Acquisitions page you can click on "new books" button and see the list of new books added to the library catalogue in the last 30 days. The list is updated systematically.

12 October - X Konferencja sieci Centrów Dokumentacji Europejskiej w Polsce

From 8 till 10 October the 10th Conference of Polish EDC network took place in the College of Europe Natolin. More information, programme and conference materials are available here
[in Polish]

1 October - Library opening hours changes in 5-9 October

From Monday (5/10) till Friday (9/10) the Library will be open from 9.00 a.m. till 5.00 p.m. On Saturday (10/10) the Library will be closed.
Please also note that on Thursday (8/10) and on Friday (9/10) the Library will be closed for external vistors. From 12/10 we will get back to regular opening hours.

30 September - EBSCOHost new database free trial

Central & Eastern European Academic Source™ (CEEAS) a new database provided by EBSCO on EBSCOHOst platform will be available for testing from 1 October till 31 December.
It is a multidisciplinary, multilingual database providing access to more than 375 full-text publications covering many academic areas including business & economics, medical sciences, political science, law, library & information sciences, literature, linguistics, history and sociology relating to central and eastern European countries. See the full coverage. To test the database simply go to EBSCOHost website.

21 September - Exposition of books about Turkey

The exposistion of books about Turkey can be viewed in the Library's Reference Room. The exposition aims to encourage students to broaden their knowledge before the study trip to Turkey at the beginning of October. A selective bibliography compiled on the basis of Natolin Library collections and resources can be consulted as well.

11 September - European Information and Documentation Workshop

On 11-12 September 2009 Mr Ian Thomson will deliver two lectures on the role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union and on the Internet resources about Europe within the Workshop on European Documentation, Library and Electronic Resources, organized every year by the College of Europe Natlion Library. Slidesows to accompany both presentations are available here: lecture 1, lecture 2

28 August - Polish EDCs directory published

A directory of Polish EDC network entitled Centra Dokumentacji Europejskiej w Polsce: Vademecum (Warszawa 2009) was published. It is available in Polish. It contains a brief description of EDC network structure and activities as well as a detailed information on all Polish EDCs. More information can be found at European Commission Representation in Poland website.

15 July - Library closing

Due to the building works the Library will be closed from 15 July till the end of August. It will reopen to external users on 10 September.

16 March - Trial access to EBSCO Political Science Complete

The Library offers a trial access to EBSCO Political Science Complete valid till 16 May.
The service provides full text for more than 385 publications, and cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 800 journals, including top-ranked scholarly journals. PSC has a worldwide focus, reflecting the globalization of contemporary political discourse.
The database also features more than 165 full-text reference books and monographs, and over 27,000 full-text conference papers, including those of the International Political Science Association. PSC includes a subject-specific thesaurus with 10,453 terms (4,041 preferred and 6,352 non-preferred terms), to provide subject searching guidance to researchers.

09 March - Trial access to SAGE Reference

The Library offers a trial access to SAGE Reference collection valid till 12 April. The service hosts more than 80 authoritative encyclopaedias in social sciences i.a. Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Encyclopedia of Environment and Society, Encyclopedia of Gender and Society, Encyclopedia of Global Warming and Climate Change, Encyclopedia of Governance, and many others. More information about the service can be found in the brochure.

9 February - New acquisitions in January

New acquisitions bulletin for January available

26 January - Trial access to The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online

Trial access to The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online has been offered by the publisher. It is the online version of highly acknowledged reference economics resource also available in the Library in a hardcopy (Vol. 1-8 : Reference Room 24992-24999). Here you can find out more about this publication. The access is available from any networked PC at the Natolin Campus and it is valid for two weeks (till 9 February). We encourage you to test this service and send us your feedback on its usability. Please send your comments to Wiktor T. Pozniak or to Pawel Mielczarek. In case of any questions or problems with accessing the service, please contact systems librarian.


18 December - The Library will be closed from 22 Decmber until 5 January 2009

1 December - College's new brochure and poster available.

8 September - On Saturday 6th September the Workshop on European Documentation, Library and Electronic Resources took place. Ian Thomson has delivered two lectures on the role of information and communication in the governance of the European Union and on the Internet resources about Europe. Handouts and slides of both presentations can be viewed here: handout 1, slides 1 / handout 2, slides 2.

29 June - The Library will be closed from 1 July until 31 August.

26 May - At the beginning of April Natolin Library blog has been launched. It is written in Polish by Library Director Wiktor T. Poźniak. You can find there information on current events, Library and European Documentation Centre activites, photos as well as short posts on various aspects of EU information and documentation. Bonne lecture!

14 April - Two persons have recently joined the library team. Gabriela Głażewska and Katarzyna Dudek will partially take care of Reference Desk and support cataloguing and serials teams.


14 June - New acquisitions bulletin have been recently added to the website. See...

1 June - Juliusz Rzewuski has joined the Library team.


25 October - Official launch of the Library catalogue and automated circulation module.


25 July - Bulletin of new acquisitions of May and June 2005 available, see...

12 July - Information portal of European Documentation Centres network in Poland launched, more...

9 May - The 4th Conference of EDC network in Poland to be held in Szczecin on 19-20 May 2005, more...

5 May - Bulletin of new acquisitions of April 2005 available, see...

13 April - Official launch of the new Bruges Library website, see...

6 April - Exposition of books about Pope John Paul II, more...

1 April - Bulletin of new acquisitions of March 2005 available, see...

7 March - 'Horizon' pre-installation meeting held in London. more...

3 March - Admission form in English for external users added, more...

11 February - Exposition of books on Warsaw Uprising 1944 and history of Poland in the Second World War, more...

27 January - Official launch of the Natolin Library website, more...

5 January - Archive of periodicals was moved to the first floor allowing storage of new books on the continous shelves in the Books Department


8 December - Natolin Library website draft version ready!

6 December - Contract for the automation of Natolin Library including software implementation, training and data load of bibliographic records signed. more...

17 November - Visit of Mr. John Miller and Ms. Katrien Gunst from the Bruges Library, more...

9 November - Conference of EDC network in Poland held in Torun, more...