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7 March 2005

During the second week of March 2005 Horizon pre-installation meeting was held in Dynix headquarters in Chesham. The Natolin Library was represented by Pawel Mielczarek and Wiktor T. Poźniak. Issues of pre-installation charts, dataload, staff training, system configuration as well as project plan have been discussed in detail. The meeting was attended also by Marcin Majorkowski and Jarosław Fechner (both from Informa, Dynix partner in Poland) who will support the installation process. The most important achievement of the meeting was system’s implementation schedule which foreseen the installation between 9 and 13 May. For more information please contact Wiktor Poźniak or Paweł Mielczarek.

See also news of 6 December 2004.

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Dynix press release
[PDF file, 92 Kb]