College of Europe home page


The Library has been developed primarily as a collection for the teaching and research purposes of the College of Europe. It is expected that users not affiliated to the College of Europe should have exhausted other available resources before turning to the Natolin Library.

External users who would like to apply for permission to use the Library resources are requested to follow the following procedure:

• Complete and submit an admission form (Polish version available here) containing basic personal data and information on their research project and the material they wish to consult in the library. The completed admission form should be sent to the Library by e-mail

• They will be given a decision within 1-3 days

• Each visit to the Library must be confirmed by phone (+4822) 5459440 to ensure that appropriate assistance from the Library staff is available as well as a prior notification of the visit to Security is reported

• At the entrance to the Natolin Campus a visitor must show an identity document to Security who will issue a badge for the visitor, to be returned at the end of the visit

• At busy times for the College, the Library has the right to propose a different time for the visit from that proposed by the visitor

• Incomplete or group applications will not be considered

Please note that:

• Borrowing privileges are granted only to students and academic staff of the College of Europe. External users can consult the library material and documents only on site

• When demand for access to computers or photocopy machines exceeds supply, priority is given to students of the College

External users are kindly asked to ensure that they have appropriate change in order to pay for photocopies and printouts