College of Europe home page

Electronic Resources 

The Library provides access to thousands of academic e-journals and e-books through various databases. Please note that the Library users have only access to the subscribed content under licence agreements and not to the full content of the services listed below. Please also note that access to e-journals and ebooks is restricted to Library authorised users. Outside the campus it is available through the dedicated website. Here you can find instructions on how to use it (section ‘Remote access to e-resources’).

When you want to find out if we have access to a particular e-book or e-journal:

1. Enter Natolin Library Catalogue

2. Click tab ‘Electronic Resources’

3. You will be redirected to ePublication Finder

4. Type title of ebook/e-journal/ISBN/ISSN

When you want to do your research by keyword/subject/title choose a platform from the list below and conduct your research directly:


Full-text e-journals, e-books, magazines, newspapers. 18 databases subscribed including 'Academic Search Ultimate', 'Business Source Ultimate', and 'eBook collection'.


Full-text e-journals, e-books. 'Arts & Sciences II' and 'Arts & Sciences VI' databases subscribed.

Kluwer Law Online

Subscribed 2 titles: 'Common Market Law Review', 'European Foreign Affairs Review'.

Oxford Academic

Full-text e-journals and e-books. The subscription includes the 'Oxford Scholarship Online' (e-books) and 'Humanities and Social Sciences' (e-journals) collections.


Full-text e-journals, industry and market focused trade news, magazines. 'ABI/INFORM Complete' database subscribed.

Science Direct

Full-text e-journals and e-books published by Elsevier. 'Freedom Collection' subscribed.


Full-text e-journals and e-books published by Springer.

Taylor & Francis Online

Full-text e-journals from the collection 'Social Sciences and Humanities' (around 1500 titles).

Wiley Online Library

Full text e-journals (around 500 titles) and e-books (around 2500 titles) published by Wiley.



Agence Europe

Single user licence. For activation ask Librarian on duty. Available on all computers in the Reference Room.

Courrier international

Single user licence. For activation ask Librarian on duty. Available on all computers in the Reference Room.

Financial Times

Access to archive content (1996 - present with 30 days delay) via ProQuest. On campus no password is required.

The Economist

Access via ProQuest. On campus no password is required.

Gazeta Wyborcza

Single user licence. For activation ask Librarian on duty. Available on all computers in the Reference Room.

Le monde

Single user licence. For activation ask Librarian on duty. Available on all computers in the Reference Room.

The New York Review of Books

Single user licence. For activation ask Librarian on duty. Available on all computers in the Reference Room.


Single user licence. For activation ask Librarian on duty. Available on all computers in the Reference Room.